April 26, 2014 Memory

"The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali
***May 5, 2014***
As many of you may know, my partner of 15 years passed away suddenly on Saturday, April 26, 2014.   This (below) is the blog entry I had been working on and literally just completed moments before I got the call to tell me what had happened.   I could not make this fact up if I tried.  
I post it here now, below, in the hopes that what it says it may truly reach some of you reading, as it is now resonating in ways for me personally that I never could have dreamed of when these words first were written:

Do you remember the last time you almost busted a gut laughing?  
Laughed so hard that tears ran down your face?
Can you recall a sight you saw or a moment you shared with someone that took your breath away and changed your whole world forever?
If asked, could you envision a memory when you triumphed over an obstacle and were so proud of yourself that your feet felt like they just lifted right off the ground?

I know you can!

Conversely, can you call up a time when you were without hope?
Or a time when a tragedy occurred that you felt powerless to defend against?
Can you remember a time when you cried so hard your body hurt?
Can you see faces looking at you all wrong, and remember the horror and shame you felt at those gazes?

Yes, I know you can do that too.  It’s part of being alive.

All of these extreme memories remain inside ourselves, and all the ones in between too.
So what are they for?
Why do we have memories at all?  Why can’t we move through life without them?

Why is it that we often fail to realize that memories are our resources?  
The great memories are the most precious resources we could ever have.
By resources, I mean; wonderful memories can DO something concretely for us now. We can use them to make our lives better in just about every way.  

So often we use negative memories to make our lives worse, wouldn't you say?
Those negative memories, seems like we have no problem recalling them in every detail over and over again, right?
What we were wearing when “it” happened, how the sky looked that day, the terrible pit in our stomach, the way we took to our bed and could barely get up. All those little details of some awful thing, that, unbidden, rises up to trip us now again and again.
It could be a memory from years ago, childhood, or more recent. Anything that deeply affected us negatively.
Those get played out for us again and again.  Oh and they have an effect. Don’t think they don’t.

And we don’t even question why it is that we are using those things as a “resource”.
Why we let them overcome us and fill us up with their negative power.
Why do we not choose to let the good time memories be the ones that keep resurrecting?  How much good could we make happen if that were the case?

And THIS is why I love Hypnosis!  This is why I love to do what I am doing.  
Unlike a lot of other types of therapy, in hypnosis, we get to resurrect the good times and re-live the pleasure they brought.  We get to focus on laughter and satisfaction, Happiness and confidence.  We get to dive into the good stuff!
And every single person reading this has that good stuff available to them right now.  We all already know what these things feel like!
Hypnosis is about the future more than the past. But a better future often does lie in using those powerful recollections of the highest moments in our lives as a bridge to that future.

How can we expect to be, say, “confident” , when we aren’t truly remembering what confidence even feels like?  When that feeling has gotten buried by the lack of confidence we are more familiar with feeling?  And this is only one example!

In hypnotherapy sessions, we might talk about the past some, but we only do so to open the door to a more rewarding present and future.  The present and the future are all that really matter.  And the human mind IS amazing what it will start to do. Subconsciously and consciously,  the more you practice accessing your own treasure trove of good memories, and the positive emotions they resurrect,  the more automatic it becomes for them to fill you up with their powerful light.  
When you are filled up and overflowing with that light; incredible things happen.
Those amazing feelings that you already earned become a bridge to the future. A future where you can have or do anything you wish. Stop the bad habits,  be more content, perform better, feel less constricted, less  afraid,  be excited, be inspired, overcome something with grace…..anything.....the list is endless.  
My job as a hypnotherapist is only to help you deploy what is already within you to build a bridge to your transformed future.  Use what you have to aim right at what you want to get!

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