
Showing posts from November, 2013

November 9, 2013 How Can We Believe What We Can't See?

  Artist: Salvador Dali   How do we know the subconscious really exists and is in constant action? If you look for examples in your life, you will see it. The other day I found myself out driving and having to stop short.   Automatically my right arm flew up  in front of the empty passenger seat next to me, as though to keep an invisible passenger from flying forward.   I found myself thinking about this. I grew up back in the time before all the back-seat-rear-facing-child-car -seats and I remember always clamoring to get into the front seat whenever my family took a drive.  Truly I am not even sure we used our seat belts either (times were different :) !  So, more than once I saw my parents do exactly what I did the other day. So this action: stopping short,  arm flying out to help restrain the passenger, was etched into my subconscious, for as long as I can remember.  And I still do it today, even if my passenger is wearing the seatbelt, or even if no