
Showing posts from January, 2016

January 6, 2016 Betrayal, Forgiveness and Redemption

Photo by Donna Sherman I am thinking outside the box more and more these days.   Which is what a good Hypnotist needs to do because, Lord knows, we already know too well what’s in the box. And what we seek probably isn't . It's January and I am thinking about Betrayal, Forgiveness and Redemption. The first one is easy for humans, the second two; not so much. And yet they are all 3 bound up together are they not? I have had clients come to see me to find a way to move past betrayals and being that I do not have superpowers to cause the Betrayer to be struck dead,  or the situation to disappear ...I have to offer them something else. While  not leading them to any path I have in mind; I can hold their hand in the dark and offer flashlight to light the map they already have in their pocket.  Hypnotherapy can help one see they at least have a map... Hmm, what is this map?  What does it lead to?   A map to PEACE in their own heart about it. Which when