
Showing posts from September, 2013

September 30, 2013 Why Do We Do What We Do?

Artist: Pablo Picasso   If you've read my bio page you will see that I make a connection between creating a character for a play or film and hypnosis. Most wouldn't find much connection between these two things at all! However, I do. And I'll share with you why. As an actor; how do you make a written sentence from a script come alive?  Anyone can read a sentence out loud, that takes no special skill. The skill behind it is manifested by the intent from which the actor speaks it   And the intent in which the actor speaks it,  comes from what it is that actor has decided that the character in the play wants. Not necessarily what the character in the play states they want, if asked, but what the character really wants deep down inside, overall. In my study of hypnosis at times I have been transported back to my very early study of acting and basic script analysis.  I think it is because the subconscious mind in people operates so very much like an

September 27, 2013 The Power of Words and Symbols And Words AS Symbols....

  Artist: Xetobyte   Imagine you are just about to go onstage to speak before a huge crowd of people and you are unexpectedly handed a slip of paper with three words on it, and those three words say: I AM INVINCIBLE. Now imagine those three words say: I AM INVISIBLE. Which situation produces the better outcome for your speech?  Is there any doubt? :) Language is power.  What we tell ourselves has a profound effect on any outcome.  We hand ourselves metaphorical slips of paper just like that all the time. The interplay between our subconscious thoughts, our conscious minds and our actions is endless and constant.  Did you know that our subconscious mind never sleeps?  Much like a computer program, it is constantly running beneath the surface of everything we think and everything we do.  It's pretty amazing. Our subconscious minds hold our belief systems, our memories, our experiences, our dreams, desires, our imaginings, and has been doing so every d